Alina Popova


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Our Mission is in bringing up initiative, creative, professional young entrepreneurs who is aimed at success achievement and adaptation to entrepreneurial environment of the Republic of Tatarstan.

 Purpose: developing and entering a model of implementation of young initiatives for an infrastructure of young entrepreneurship formation in the region.


  • Formation of entrepreneur mind in youth space;
  • Working our mechanisms of students involving into entrepreneur environment;
  • Rising youth personal self actualization in a process of own projects implementing;
  • System of business ideas creating as the base of future youth entrepreneur projects;
  • Complex of educational events conduction for rising the level of knowledge and formation of entrepreneur competences and skills among young people; providing a consultation to young entrepreneurs;
  • Investments promotion to innovative projects made by a student society;
  • Organization of financial, legal and information support for youth projects at the first step of business.

Student Business Incubator includes:

  • бизнес инкубатор1.jpgBusiness Ideas Lab
  • Regional Center of youth entrepreneurship
  • Network of small innovative organizations.

Business Ideas Lab is:

  • Student Business Incubator
  • Unique guide in entrepreneurship world
  • Business School
  • System on creation and development of own business.
  • Real opportunity for business projects to implement idea in a commercial product for 6 months, invite funds and get en expert and mentor support.
  • Information level increasing and young people stimulation to participation in entrepreneurship.

Consultations with experts in the area of:

  • бизнес инкубатор2.jpglaw;
  • taxation;
  • finances;
  • advertisement.

The lab “Business Ideas” helps students to implement their business ideas and evaluate their feasibility due to administrative and financial support of the University. Business Incubator implements events on students introduction of the most perfect methods of new business creating, consolidates and systematize information resources, works out mechanisms of fluent involving students and teachers in entrepreneurship environment.

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