On January, 21st-22nd IEML signed a working arrangement with the Mongolian-Russian secondary school named after Yuri Gagarin “Russkiy litsey” which is located in Ulan Bator.
School superintendent and representative of Russian schools association in Mongolia (includes about 15 Russian schools) Mikhail Anatolyevich Popov came to IEML to discuss the areas of cooperation.
They discussed academic exchange of teachers and students, organization of summer and winter schools for students, summer camps for children and their parents, joint participation in research projects and Mongolian-Russian fence-mending, as well as acquaintance of Mongolian school-leavers, students and their parents with the advantages of education in Russia and IEML.
Mikhail Anatolyevich noted the beauty of Kazan which is very important for foreign students as well as modern technical equipment of the institute. Our guest visited Kazan Kremlin, Raifa monastery, IEML educational buildings where he saw the conditions of education and living of students. He estimated the quality of education at its worth and the additional features like sports facilities and pre-school additional education.