Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov Elena Lavrentievna Matveeva - about healthy nutrition and its effect on immunity. What do you need to eat to always be in good shape?
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov Elena Lavrentievna Matveeva - about healthy nutrition and its effect on immunity. What do you need to eat to always be in good shape?
Even in ancient times, Hippocrates said that food should be medicine, and medicine should be food. "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what kind of person you are." These statements reveal the importance of nutrition for our health.
During a pandemic, how we eat takes on a special meaning. An irregular and unbalanced diet lowers immunity, and therefore increases the risk of contracting an infection. We may think that we are eating right, but is it really so? Let's figure it out.
Four principles of rational nutrition according to the formula of the legendary Russian biochemist, nutritionist A.A. Pokrovsky
- The energy value of the daily diet should correspond to the energy consumption of the body
- The physiological needs of the body should be provided with nutrients in quantities and proportions that have a maximum beneficial effect
- Food should be familiar to our enzyme systems (familiar food is better absorbed)
- Correct diet.
Unfortunately, the rhythm of life of a modern person often does not allow us to follow these rules: we eat randomly, during the day we don’t have time to dine, and in the evening we overeat. This has a detrimental effect on health and well-being. But how to switch to the optimal mode?
You are what you eat
First of all, let's decide which foods should be consumed. To improve immunity, you need all the necessary nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. Today, researchers have proven the effect of vitamins C, A, D, B2, B6, B12, and minerals such as zinc, selenium, iron on the functioning of the immune competent organs. This is especially important now, during a pandemic.
Vitamins that strengthen immunity:
Vitamin A. Source: pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, peaches, melon, fish oil, cod liver, milk, eggs, butter.
Vitamin B2. Source: fish, green peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, yeast.
Vitamin B6. Source: walnuts, hazelnuts, spinach, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and white cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, oranges, lemons.
Vitamin B12. Source: Turkey Liver, Meat, Eggs and Breast.
Vitamin C. Source: cabbage and sauerkraut, citrus fruits, rose hips, sweet peppers, currants, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower.
Vitamin D. Source: Salmon, sardines, herring, tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms, milk.
Iron. Source: meat of animals and birds, as well as their internal organs, egg yolk, caviar, beans, oatmeal, parsley (herbs), etc. Vitamin C promotes good absorption of iron.
Zinc. Source: meat, sea fish, hard cheeses, bread, beans, buckwheat, parsley, dill, salad.
Selenium: Source: meat, sea fish, liver, eggs, yeast.
It's better not to finish than to overeat.
A pandemic is stress, and stress makes us disrupt our routine. Sitting at home on self-isolation, some began to overeat, while others, on the contrary, began to eat less. 62% of our population is already overweight. This leads to sad consequences, especially against the background of a walking infection. It has been proven that people suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular insufficiency are least able to resist the virus. Against the background of their diseases, they receive a double burden on the immune system.
The main rule when using any product is to observe the measure. Have tried - enough, no need to overeat. During the pandemic, many began to say that fatty foods and oil are good for lung cells. But this is not a reason to get too carried away with these products.
It is worth mentioning one more important rule: after any meal, you need to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger. In modern conditions, the most physiologically justified is a four-day diet. Given the different working and study conditions, three meals a day are allowed. Eating 5-6 times a day is allowed for a number of diseases. One or two meals a day is unacceptable.
A life-hack for those who want to eat right: the amount of food per meal should fit in the palm of our hand.
Count calories and drink vitamins!
How can proper nutrition help improve the immune system? There are some simple rules.
1) Don't overeat. Keep track of the number of calories consumed per day. For women, this is 1800 kcal, and for men, 2100 kcal, with an optimal supply of all nutrients to the body.
Previously, these numbers were higher, but now they are lower, because young people mostly lead a passive lifestyle. Of course, if a person goes to the gym, then they should consume more: 2500 and 3000 kcal, respectively. In this case, you need to consult a nutritionist who will select the optimal diet based on your stress.
2) Drink vitamins. In my opinion, it is impossible to maintain the effective functioning of the immune system only with traditional products. Biologically active supplements and vitamin and mineral complexes containing the above nutrients must be added to the standard diet. For example, today the role of vitamin D in the formation of immunity and the response to COVID-19 infection has already been precisely proven. A deficiency in this vitamin increases the risk of respiratory infections.
Not a single vitamin in vain
It should be noted that many vitamins are destroyed under the influence of various environmental factors. For example, vitamin C. In order to preserve vitamins during cooking, you must follow some rules:
1) It is recommended to lay vegetables and fruits in boiling water in an order that takes into account the duration of their cooking.
2) Violent boiling should not be allowed, since the circulation of oxygen in the air destroys vitamin C.
3) Cook vegetables and fruits in a container with a closed lid to prevent the ingress of oxygen from the air.
4) Vitamin C is well preserved in an acidic environment, therefore, a small amount of citric acid is added when preparing vegetable dishes, compotes, desserts.
5) It is necessary to observe the shelf life of ready-made meals, given that the greatest amount of vitamin remains in them during storage for 1-1.5 hours from the moment of readiness. The preservation of vitamin C is affected by the presence of starch, sugar, salt.
6) To preserve the vitamins of group B, it is necessary to avoid prolonged cooking, frying, stewing.
7) It is recommended to pre-soak cereals in water for 6-8 hours (keep in a cool place) and cook in the same water.
Do you have a meal plan for the week?
Of course, everyone's tastes are different, but it's time for us to learn to think about how we eat. It is important to compose a diet for a week, where the energy value, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients will be calculated. Eating right is tricky, but you can follow the rules of a healthy diet.
So, let's summarize:
Sitting on isolation, many began to overeat, and in no case should this be done. Observe the measure. The optimal daily calorie intake for women is 1800 kcal, for men 2100 kcal. With great physical exertion, the number of calories, respectively, increases.
Ideally, after any meal from the table, you need to get up with a feeling of slight hunger. Optimally, you should eat four times a day.
Life hack: the amount of food per meal should fit in the palm of our hand.
It is hardly possible to support the immune system only with traditional products. In addition, drink dietary supplements containing vitamins C, A, D, B2, B6, B12, and minerals (zinc, selenium, iron).
The diet should contain fruits and vegetables. Remember that they can lose some of the nutrients during heat treatment.
It is important to think carefully about your diet. As Professor Preobrazhensky said: "You need to be able to eat ... You need not only to know what to eat, but also when and how."