Scientists of our university work closely with two German universities: Westphalian University. Wilhelm Münster and the Technical University of Chemnitz. Thanks to the fruitful joint work, a unique textbook on the management of digital economy organizations was published, and the university itself won the Leaders of Russian Science competition.
We present to your attention an interview with the rector of KIU Asiya Vitalievna Timiryasova, which was published on the website of the Russian-German Year of Scientific and Educational Partnerships 2018-2020. In an interview, Asiya Vitalievna talks in detail about the cooperation of our university with German universities.
“What cross-year initiatives has your university been involved with and what have been the results? Which practices have been most effective?
In 2018, a professor at our university, head of the research laboratory of knowledge management, Doctor of Economics. Elmira Shamilevna Shaimieva won the DAAD grant "Scientific internships for scientists and university teachers", the work on which was carried out for four years together with the Westphalian University. Wilhelm Münster and the Technical University of Chemnitz.
Thanks to the grant, a scientific internship took place at the Westphalian University. Wilhelm, where a joint research project "High-tech business management" was implemented. The result of the scientific internship was the publication in 2019 and 2020. two monographs in the field of digital economy management. The authors of the monographs were the scientists of our university, the Westphalian University. Wilhelm, Technical University, Financial University under the President of the Russian Federation.
One of the monographs “Management of the Digital Economy. Management 4.0 "became the winner of the All-Russian competition of monographs" Leaders of Russian Science "in the category" Economics "in 2019 and was recognized at many prestigious competitions. In addition, an international team of authors for the period 2018-2020. more than 16 joint publications were published in federal and regional journals.
In September 2020, an international team of authors is planning to publish the textbook "Management of Digital Economy Organizations". This textbook is recommended by the Expert Council of the Educational and Methodological Council (UMO) in the system of higher education and secondary vocational education as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of "Management", "Economics", "Innovation".
Elmira Shamilevna is a three-time DAAD scholar on research projects and leads the international cooperation of the university with German universities. In 2019, Elmira Shamilevna took part in the Russian-German forum held within the framework of the Russian-German Year of Scientific and
Educational Partnerships 2018–2020, as well as in the conference of graduates of German educational programs "Responsibility in Science, Economics and Culture."
As a result of the forum, the KIU professor headed the scientific work on generating ideas for improving the social policy of Russian (large) cities in specific areas. As a result, two scientific articles were published, but the work did not end there. Further development of these R&D projects to solve social problems of cities based on changes in social mechanisms and the use of digital technologies is envisaged in the framework of international cooperation with German universities in Münster and Chemnitz.
Despite the epidemic, have you managed to implement at least some of the academic mobility programs with German universities within the framework of the Russian-German Year of Scientific and Educational Partnerships 2018-2020? What do you plan to do next in this direction?
We managed to do everything, except for two scientific and practical conferences with the participation of German partners. It is planned to implement seven research (R&D) projects and publish monographs, textbooks, scientific articles on them. The projects are dedicated to digital transformation of business, radical innovations of the digital economy, e-government and healthcare, management of intellectual property in the digital economy, improvement of innovative digital transformation processes using the example of the social sphere.
In addition, it is planned to develop applied solutions for the projects "Collection and processing of waste (plastic)" and "Health and fast food", obtaining a state certificate of registration of a computer program or database. The created algorithms will optimize and test the capabilities of electronic database management in the healthcare sector, as well as in other sectors of the social sphere.
What universities in Germany does the university cooperate with? In what areas, projects? What results would you particularly highlight?
Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasova cooperates with two German universities: Westphalian University. Wilhelm Münster and the Technical University of Chemnitz. Cooperation is carried out in the direction of digital economy management and digital transformation management.
I would like to note the high scientific achievements of the research project “Digital Economy Management. Management 4.0”, its prospects were mentioned above.
Thanks to international cooperation with German universities, scientists of our university became winners of the Leaders of Russian Science-2019 competition. In addition, articles and monographs have been written in the field of digital economy management. Given the fact that the strategy for the development of the digital economy was adopted in Russia in 2017, the published scientific and educational materials contribute to the development of the digital economy in Russia based on the experience of Industry 4.0.
What events held within the framework of the Russian-German Year of Scientific and Educational Partnerships 2018-2020 do you rate as the most interesting and significant?
First of all, the conference of graduates of German educational programs "Responsibility in Science, Economics and Culture" ("Alumni-Konferenz Moskau. Verantwortung in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft & Kultur"), which took place within the framework of the Russian-German Year of Scientific and Educational Partnerships 2018-2020. in October 2019. It was at the conference that the professor of our university Elmira Shaimieva initiated research on solving the social problems of cities, as a result of which scientific articles were written, one of which was published in the August issue of the Moscow State University journal “Public Administration. Electronic Bulletin ", and the second will be published in the SPbSTI journal" Economic vector ".