Elmira Shaimieva, Professor of the Department of Management, Head of the Research Laboratory of Knowledge Management of the Faculty of Management and Engineering Business took part in the discussion forum "Russia and Germany: the Discourse of identities – variations and transformations", held for graduates of German educational programs in an online format.
Among the experts of the forum are Dr. Viktor Nemchinov, Professor, Dr. Damian Dombrowski, Professor. Dr. Jochen Griesbach, Prof. Dr. Anushka Tischer (University of Würzburg named after Julius and Maximilian), Dr. Sergey Zasorin, Director of the Center for the Study of Historical Memory and Civic Identity of the Moscow State University, Dr. Vladimir Borisov, Director of the Museum of the Moscow State University, Olga Morozova, Deputy Head of the Department of International Relations (Moscow Pedagogical State University), Karoline Gil (Institute of External Cultural Relations), Nadezhda Krasikova (German Academic Exchange Service), Prof. Tatiana Ilarionova (Moscow Humboldt Club).
The issues of adaptation of students participating in student exchange programs were discussed at the forum (including workshops, where Dr. E.Shaimieva took part). Current aspects of adaptation in the post-pandemic period will become important within the framework of the memorandum of scientific cooperation and student exchange agreement signed on February 12, 2021 between KIU and the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany).