Our university is proud of its scientists who are passionately engaged in research in various fields and have important achievements in science. At the same time, I would like to especially note the high-performance scientific schools that are directly related to the priorities of the Russian Federation and respond to the most modern and relevant challenges for our country and the world as a whole.
Our university is proud of its scientists who are passionately engaged in research in various fields and have important achievements in science. At the same time, I would like to especially note the high-performance scientific schools that are directly related to the priorities of the Russian Federation and respond to the most modern and relevant challenges for our country and the world as a whole.
Each of them includes a close-knit group of collaborating researchers and implements traditional scientific activities.
Contribution to the health of the nation.
Special attention is paid by university scientists to the issues of preservation and development of human capital. Advanced scientific school of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor D.Z. Akhmetova "System Foundations of Pedagogical Innovations and Inclusive Education" explores issues related to health limitations and intellectual disabilities of children (dyslexia, dysgraphia, autism, severe multiple developmental disorders). The project of the school "Ecological Man" was created in order to reduce the disability of children, preserve the health of the future generation from the moment parents prepare for a healthy conception and to the socialization of children and adolescents from 10 to 18 years old.
Current Research for the New Economy.
Scientific school dedicated to the study of problems of socio-economic development, led by Kramin T.V. has a number of significant results: regular training of highly qualified personnel (graduate students) under the program "Regional Economics". Over the past three years, graduates of the program have defended three Ph.D. dissertations in economics. Representatives of the scientific school received several grants from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, young scientists of the scientific school became winners of the scientific grant competitions of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, the contest "50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan", held a Summer School together with the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences young scientists in institutional and evolutionary economics, as well as the International Conference "New Institutions for a New Economy" with the participation of the best Russian economists. Representatives of the scientific school have implemented a number of important projects for the Republic of Tatarstan, including an assessment of the contribution of the Elabuga Museum-Reserve to the socio-economic development of our republic.
Innovation for the Healthy Development of Society.
A special place in the system of scientific potential of KIU is occupied by research in the field of psychology. Developments in line with the concept of "Differential sensitivity in different analyzers as an integral ability" (Doctor of Psychology, Prof. R.F. Suleimanov), in which students, undergraduates, graduate students take part, allow for the professional orientation of children; Professional selection and professional selection of labor subjects for various specialties: sports activities, art, medicine and others. The developed innovative diagnostic tools (methods for diagnosing psychological defense, loyalty to terrorism, columbinism, suicide) are being introduced into the system of work of the Opora and Eventus psychodiagnostic centers.