
Kazan Innovative University expands cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Kazan Innovative University expands cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran

A delegation from the largest non-state university in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Azad University, visited Kazan Innovative University to implement joint educational programs and academic exchanges.

Achievements Education International Students International activity


The Rector's Ball of Kazan Innovative University is an event that brings together the best students

The Rector's Ball of Kazan Innovative University is an event that brings together the best students

One of the most exciting events of the academic year – the Rector’s Ball of Kazan Innovative University – took place in the Pushkin Hall of the Korston business center. This is an annual award ceremony for the best students who have distinguished themselves in science, study, creativity, sports and social life. The event became a real holiday for all its participants.

Achievements Education International activity


Foreign students of KIU are excellent students according to the results of the Total Dictation 2024

Foreign students of KIU are excellent students according to the results of the Total Dictation 2024

Four best foreign students of Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov were awarded at the Pushkin Cultural Center, where the winners of the Total Dictation 2024 were honored. Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov annually takes part in this event. This year is an anniversary year both for the “Total Dictation” project and for Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov. This year, 12 of our students from different countries took part in the action, four of them wrote the dictation with excellent marks.

Achievements Education International Students International activity


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