
KIU esports team won bronze at the All-Russian competition

KIU esports team won bronze at the All-Russian competition

On April 22 and 23, competitions were held for the best student teams of the Volga and Ural Federal Districts as part of the All-Russian Esports Student League, jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Russian eSports Federation, the Presidential Grants Foundation and the Rosatom State Corporation.

Achievements International Students International activity


"Venok Druzhby" ("Wreath of Friendship") is a holiday that unites the peoples of Russia

"Venok Druzhby" ("Wreath of Friendship") is a holiday that unites the peoples of Russia

The ethno-cultural festival "Venok Druzhby" ("Wreath of Friendship") opened the doors to the vast world of cultural diversity of Russia for the audience, giving an unforgettable experience of getting acquainted with the culture, values and customs of peoples, dances and songs performed by talented groups of KIU, as well as invited guest and students of Kazan schools.

Achievements International Students International activity


Silent frogs, cats and holy water: foreign students of KIU in the Raifa Monastery of the Mother of God

Silent frogs, cats and holy water: foreign students of KIU in the Raifa Monastery of the Mother of God

On April 14, a trip and an excursion to the Raifa Monastery of the Mother of God was organized for foreign students of KIU. The tour was conducted by the novice of the monastery Asselborn Alexander. The translators were foreign students of KIU studying in the field of Linguistics - Garcia Mendivelso Allison Gabriel and Rodriguez Maldonado Alfredo Jose.

International Students International activity


KIU esports team will represent Tatarstan in the Russian Esports Student League

KIU esports team will represent Tatarstan in the Russian Esports Student League

On April 10, the Russian eSports Federation determined the list of universities that will take part in the next season of the Russian Esports Student League from April 15.

Achievements International Students International activity


The university took part in the first republican phygital football tournament and signed agreements with sports federations

The university took part in the first republican phygital football tournament and signed agreements with sports federations

On April 6, in the Cyber Park Arena of IT-Park named after Bashir Rameev, the first in the history of the republican tournament in phygital football, the Youth Phygital Football League of Tatarstan, started. The competitions are organized by the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Football Federation of the Republic of Tatarstan with the support of the Tatarstan Phygital Sports Federation and the Tatarstan Republican Branch of the Russian Computer Sports Federation. KIU, as a university actively participating in the digital movement, took an active part in the event.

Achievements International activity


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