
Expanding horizons: foreign students of KIU visited the Great Bolgar

Expanding horizons: foreign students of KIU visited the Great Bolgar

On September 8, international students from Columbia and China took a boat to the Bolgar and visited the Bolgar Historical and Archaeological Complex, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The excursion, annually organized by the Department of International Relations of KIU together with teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Linguistics, is part of the historical, cultural and linguistic education of international students.

International Students International activity


Freshmen, welcome to the family of KIU named after V.G. Timiryasov!

Freshmen, welcome to the family of KIU named after V.G. Timiryasov!

First time in the first year! Freshmen of the University and College (pre-university education) gathered today at the assemblies in the courtyard of KIU academic buildings to celebrate their first day and get to know the University.

Education International Students International activity


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