Anti-Corruption Scientific Research Institute


Pavel Kabanov

Dr. of Law, Professor


The purpose of the Scientific Research Institute (SRI) is organization and conduction of fundamental and applied scientific researches, experimental elaboration.  

SRI tasks:

  • Engagement of scientific, academic specialists, bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate students, PhD, doctoral, postdoctoral, legal practitioners and other volunteers in participation in anti-corruption activity;
  • Performance of scientific, research and academic work;
  • Cooperation with Russian and foreign partners on anti-corruption issues;
  • Organization of scientific conferences and other scientific activities;
  • Carrying out of legal and anti-corruption expertise;
  • Preparation of monographs, articles, scientific and analytical information, textbooks, guide books and other scientific and academic papers.

2.jpgMain results:

SRI brings together the leading specialists in the field of anti-corruption in the Republic of Tatarstan and Russia. At the present time, SRI consists of 15 scientific volunteers, 4 PhDs, 5 Associate Professors. Projects of SRI annually win scholarships for non-commercial organizations which participate in implementing socially significant projects. SRI has published more than 300 scientific and academic papers.

SRI provides retraining programs in:

  • Basics of anti-corruption policy;
  • Anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and projects of regulatory legal acts as a tool of fighting against corruption;
  • Fighting against corruption: issues of implementing anti-corruption policy on a municipal level;
  • Anti-corruption outreach: issues of organization and implementing;
  • Anti-corruption education: issues of organization, methodical provision and implementing;
  • Anti-corruption planning and programming: basics, organization and effectiveness evaluation;
  • Anti-corruption monitoring: issues of organization and realization;
  • State policy in anti-corruption efforts;
  • Fighting against corruption in Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor);
  • Mechanisms of fighting against corruption in Federal Migration Service;
  • Topical issues in fighting against corruption.

In 2010-2015 more than 450 people from all over Russia completed their training.

SRI annually holds scientific conferences, round tables, seminars with participation of specialists from Russia and the entire world. Results of these events are published in federal scientific magazines.

Since 2010 professors and students of KIU (IEML) have become winners of All-Russian contest for scientific and applied papers in anti-corruption sphere.

According to results of the contest in 2013, KIU (IEML) Anti-Corruption SRI has become one of the most effective social practices of corruption fighting. KIU (IEML) Anti-Corruption SRI was included in 100 best SRI of Russia.

A terminological dictionary “Everything about corruption and its fighting” was issued in 2014.

At the present moment, KIU (IEML) Anti-Corruption SRI implements state contract for scientific work “Effectiveness evaluation of implementing of Anti-Corruption Policy in the Republic of Tatarstan and working-out of Anti-Corruption Policy Strategy in the Republic of Tatarstan for the next 6 years, after winning in the contest among participants on the All-Russian level. 

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