On February, 1st a meeting of the Academic council dedicated to 70th anniversary of the UN was held in IEML.
Some important guests took part in it: director of UN informational center in Moscow Vladimir Kuznetsov, chairman of World UN cooperation association, deputy chairman of Russian UN association Aleksey Borisov, IEML honored professor Engel Tagirov, chairman of Kazan branch of the World congress of the Tatars Farid Miftakhov.
The United Nations is an international organization created for keeping and consolidation of international peace and security and developing the partnership between states. Its foundation and structure were elaborated during World War II by the Allies. As the IEML rector Asiya Timiryasova noted, “activity of this organization becomes more and more important and responsible”.
Vladimir Kuznetsov delivered an exciting speech on current activity on behalf of UN Secretary and its department of public information. The crowd found out a lot about evolution of the UN resulting from today’s reality. The speech provoked keen interest and questions.
First vice-rector, vice-rector on scientific work in IEML Igor Bikeev added that today the UN is “the main platform for states’ positions concordance” and that the institute representatives are ready to assist it. At the end of the event academician Engel Tagirov together with the other honored guests gave a diploma and a medal “Russia-UN: 70 years of partnership” to IEML team for developing the international cooperation and realization of UN-UNESCO international projects.