At the WorldSkills National Championship in Finland, Taitaja-2018 a KIU student Karina Khaleeva participated with her project as part of the Russian National team. This participation moved her closer to the main WorldSkills European Championship – 2018.
A team task was to elaborate and make up with a business-idea in the Lake Nature Center. Our team presented three attractions, united by a single concept of three elements: air, land and water. In fact, while other teams worked at one idea, we developed three projects, each of which needed to be described and calculated its cost.
As a result of this contest we had 90.96 of 100 scores. It’s a very high position, which our team was very glad about. However, we don’t take it easy now: in future the National team has trainings in Sochi and also the whole summer of the trainings to Euroskills-2018 in Budapest.
This practice gave to our students a lot of opportunities such as practice of the English language, a possibility to see a team from Finland, which would be sent to EuroSkills, and it was a serious test for stress resistance and quick processing of large information.