Vice-Rector for Continuing Education Akhmetova Dania Zagrievna took a remote part in the international Forum «Inclusion in Universities: Global Trends and Local Strategies».
The participation of our university in the work of the Scientific Forum was not accidental. the activities of KIU in this area are well known in Russia, so Vice-Rector for Continuing Education, Director of the Research Institute of Pedagogical Innovations and Inclusive Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Dania Zagrievna Akhmetova was invited as a key speaker to at the plenary session.
The forum was organized by the Tyumen State University with funds from the RFBR. A global view of inclusive education - this leitmotif pervaded the speeches of speakers from six countries, scientists from Germany, the USA, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Malta and Russia. There was presentation of Scientific reports in which convincingly revealed the essence of inclusion as a leading trend in the development of modern education. Education in modern conditions, especially in connection with the pandemic, is becoming inclusive, starting from the level of preschool education and throughout a person's life.
The ideas of continuity, which we realized at the very beginning of the development of the Department of Theoretical and Inclusive Pedagogy, are reflected in numerous studies and practical activities with educational organizations, and also permeated the speeches of speakers in the prism of global processes of society development. Our vice-rector presented a report on "Methodological and theoretical foundations for the development of an" environmentally friendly "person in the era of digitalization, responsible for creating an inclusive society.
To the question: "How was the report on this essentially avant-garde theme received?" -Dania Zagrievna replied: “The report was noted as very interesting, however, I think that not everyone was able to grasp its global idea: diseases and disabilities can be prevented to a certain extent, the country has local experience that we study and take into account in the development of our innovative project "Environmentally friendly man". At the same time, we understand that any bold idea does not immediately reach everyone. So it was with inclusion, literally 5-10 years ago this term was perceived with bewilderment, and today the entire world scientific community claims that the education of the future, like society itself, can only be inclusive. "