By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Republic of Tatarstan" was awarded to Professor Elena Matveeva, Dean of the Faculty of Service, Tourism and Food Servie Management of KIU.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Republic of Tatarstan" was awarded to Professor Elena Matveeva, Dean of the Faculty of Service, Tourism and Food Servie Management of KIU.
This is a recognition of fruitful work, significant achievements in the development of the educational system and professional development of students.
During her time at the university, Dr. E.Matveeva has gained the authority of not only a wonderful teacher, attentive mentor, but also a talented scientist, organizer, and leader. Her name in our university is associated with the creation of the faculty, which she has been heading for 13 years. Taking on such a responsibility, Elena Matveeva did a lot for its formation. Need to say that the time of the organization of the faculty coincided with the preparation and defense of her doctoral dissertation, and this once again confirms how brave and purposeful she is. Thanks to the activity of Dr Matvveva, her creativity, desire for development and ability to cooperate, the faculty is popular, has a good reputation among employers, applicants from all over Russia and abroad come here, and its graduates are in demand. Under her leadership, scientists and teachers give out interesting ideas and successfully implement them, and students successfully represent their faculty at various professional competitions and festivals.
We congratulate Dr Elena Matveeva on the recognition of her merits and wish her further success in her career!