The IX International Scientific and Practical Forum "Effective Management Systems: Quality and Digital Intelligent Systems" started today in KIU.
The annual forum brought together leaders, government officials, scientists, entrepreneurs and young leaders. This is an innovative intersectoral platform created to discuss topical issues in such areas as digital technologies, industry and business, economics, quality management, university as a territory of advanced development, healthcare, and other areas.
The rector of KIU Dr. Asiya Timiryasova addressed the participants with a greeting: "We have set a goal for organizing informal communication between scientists, experts, practitioners, and students who are ready to share their experience. Modern conditions are such that any field of activity or business model can be replaced overnight by something new. Today, the list of popular professions changes in 3-5 years, and in 10-15 years, entire sectors of the economy appear, reach the peak of development and disappear. Universities have always been drivers of territorial development. We understand that we have a huge responsibility. The roadmap for digital transformation began to be developed back in 2019, when the team of our university participated in the Skolkovo educational intensive "Island 10-22". This allowed us to qualitatively improve many processes in our activities. For example, working with a student's digital footprint is implemented using the IDIS system-this is a university development). It collects a huge amount of information, and forms a student's portfolio. In 2020, we joined a consortium of universities to work together to update educational programs in the context of the transition to the digital economy. We are also members of the Digital Development Promotion. I would like to emphasize that in the era of digitalization, humanitarian areas remain very relevant, since the results of the work of modern companies depend not only on technological, but also on managerial innovations. Our scientists are actively engaged in protecting people from the negative aspects of digitalization. For example, our researcher has developed a draft law on the turnover of robots in Russia." Concluding the greeting, the Rector wished the participants fruitful work and new ideas.
"The Forum traditionally serves as a platform for discussing strategic issues and problems in the field of effective management systems, quality and digitalization," said Dr. Irina Antonova, Vice - Rector for Innovation and Project Activities at KIU. – Such a dialogue is most relevant today, when the world is undergoing global changes that affect almost all spheres of life. The forum is held in an online and offline format, it brought together more than 300 participants from 9 countries and 28 regions of Russia and is represented by more than 60 speakers and experts."
In her speech, Dr. Irina Antonova touched upon one of the important initiatives launched at the World Economic Forum 2020-"revolutionary retraining". Its goal is to retrain and provide 1 billion people with better skills, education and jobs by 2030.
"According to the forum, accelerated investments in advanced training and retraining will provide an increase in global GDP by $ 6.5 trillion and will increase labor productivity by almost 3%," Dr. Irina Antonova said. "And the benefits of investing in growth will not only boost economic recovery, but also create a sustainable labor market in the future." Professor Ali Rashidi (Sweden), Director of the Center for International Industrial Cooperation of UNIDO in the Russian Federation (Moscow) Sergey Korotkov, Deputy Director of the European Center for Quality David Campbell, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Director of the Department for Business Development and Support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan Artur Nikolaev, and others also made greetings. The forum will last for two days, during which there will be a plenary discussion, sectional expert discussions, round tables and master classes.
The forum also hosted the VI Youth Project "We are for Russian quality!" (essay contest and team game) and the team game "Business Battle".
An important event will be the opening of the regional organizing committee of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skills of Financial Market Specialists FINSKILLS RUSSIA.
The conference is supported by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Union" Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan", the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Association of Business Education, the All-Russian Quality Organization.