
A phygital center has been created in KIU to prepare for the Games of the Future

A phygital center has been created in KIU to prepare for the Games of the Future

In August 2022, Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov, as one of the leading universities of Tatarstan, was among the first to sign a cooperation agreement with the Agency for the Development of Computer and Other Sports. The Agency acts as the main operator of the international competitions "Games of Future", which will be held in Kazan in 2024 in 16 hybrid disciplines. Each of the disciplines combines the concept of "phygital" (physical + digital), that is, combines classical sports and esports or VR/AR technology, and, therefore, tests both the physical fitness of athletes and their digital skills.

Дата публикации: 29 ноября 2022

Education Scientific Activity


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