KIU ranks 1st in terms of education and innovation among private universities in Russia
According to the Interfax National Ranking of Universites 2023, Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov once again showed an excellent result, ahead of many Russian and Tatarstan universities.
КИУ на 1 месте по образованию и инновациям среди частных вузов России
По данным Национального рейтинга университетов Интерфакс 2023 Казанский инновационный университет имени В. Г. Тимирясова в очередной раз показал отличный результат, опередив многие российские и татарстанские вузы.
Дата публикации: 14 июня 2023
The best students of KIU were awarded at the Rector's Ball in the Kazan City Hall
On June 2, high society gathered in the Kazan City Hall: elegant young people in tuxedos and girls in evening dresses. They came to the KIU Rector's Ball, an annual award ceremony for the best university students who have distinguished themselves in science, study, creativity, sports and social life. This is the pride of the university, its golden fund.