
Professor of the Department of Management-participant of the conference from the German-Russian Forum and DAAD in Kaluga

Professor of the Department of Management-participant of the conference from the German-Russian Forum and DAAD in Kaluga

Professor of the Department of Management, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Research Laboratory of Knowledge Management of the Faculty of Management and Engineering Business Elmira Shaimieva took part in the conference "New impulses for German-Russian relations. Digitalization of projects and diversity of professional cooperation" within the framework of the XVI Conference of Partner Cities in Kaluga "Strengthening municipal and Regional Ties-Expanding horizons".

Date of publication: 26 July 2021

Achievements Conferences Education International activity

1st place at the International exhibition-competition " SKOLKOVO Plaza ArtShow"

1st place at the International exhibition-competition " SKOLKOVO Plaza ArtShow"

Professor of the Department of Management Elmira Shaimieva won the International competition "SKOLKOVO Plaza ArtShow". Her work " Into another element! The cloud is waiting!", made in the technique of dry pastels, became the best in the competition section "Abstraction", the theme of the competition "Space as a premonition".

Achievements Conferences Education International activity

The grand graduation ceremony of awarding diplomas of the Preparatory Faculty

The grand graduation ceremony of awarding diplomas of the Preparatory Faculty

On July 13, a graduation ceremony was held for students from Latin America, Europe and Asia who successfully completed the preparatory faculty of KIU.

Achievements Education International Students International activity

KIU is on the 1st place in Russia in the category of education among private universities

KIU is on the 1st place in Russia in the category of education among private universities

According to the results of the XII National Ranking of Universities of the Interfax agency, Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov took high positions, ahead of many Russian universities.

Date of publication: 26 July 2021

Achievements Education

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