An international conference "Management of quality of education in new sociocultural conditions: experience, problems, prospects" took place in November.
Young and experienced scientists, teachers of the educational organizations of different levels, teachers and students of psychological faculty of IEML took part in the conference.
The conference was organized by IEML (Kazan) and its Nizhnekamsk branch with the help of the teaching staff of pedagogical psychology and pedagogy department.
About 450 scientists and experts of Russia and foreign countries, including Germany, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, the USA, Kazakhstan, Syria, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, took part in the conference.
Participants were delivering lectures on various subjects concerning education quality control, development of the individual developing programs with use of various techniques. Reports were accompanied with presentations.
Conference was opened by a doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor Resida Fakhrutdinova. She acquainted participants with the main directions of education quality improvement. Also participants heard an interesting performance of Morgan Richardson (USA, Texas). Subject of her report was "Specifics of education quality management in the USA". Foreign participants Reshed Akbor Prottoy (Bangladesh), M. Reza Shemim Fenaltet (Iran), Erbol Bekish (Kazakhstan), Oz Yunus (Turkey) told about psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of "special children" considering their genetic predispositions, qualities and features of education in Iran, improvement of education quality in Kazakhstan, psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of gifted children in the centers of science and art in Turkey and new educational projects of their countries. Lectures were followed with the translation which was performed by a teacher of foreign languages and translation theory department Samira Trengulova.
Another part of the conference was carried out by Nizhnekamsk branch. Participants got acquainted with the specifics of education in Syria. A teacher of Nizhnekamsk branch, candidate of economic sciences Dzhano Dzhoma, teachers from Turkmenistan and Ukraine spoke at the conference.
Issues of additional education quality improvement, psychological and pedagogical aspects of management of formation process of value of a healthy lifestyle among primary school pupils, management of process of formation of teachers’ professional knowledge, use of interactive technologies in education quality management were tackled.
Also scientists and experts held various master classes for conferees where they showed the effective techniques of education quality improvement.
In the first day there was a master class "Psycho-emotional state management" conducted by Faina Yusupova. She told in details how to control your own psycho-emotional state with the use of musical instruments, songs and special exercises. Participants of the master class were able to define their biorhythms independently.
The other master class "Hardware methods of diagnostics in pedagogy and psychology" was carried out by Anatoly Fukin. Mr. Fukin is an honored worker of science of the Republic of Tatarstan, doctor of psychological sciences, professor. On the master class the participants got acquainted with the device for system diagnostics and correction. Using this device, participants defined social characteristics, mental processes and many other things.
Margarita Filatova-Safronova carried out "Psychological and pedagogical maintenance of gender socialization in the conditions of a modern educational process" master class. Margarita Filatova is a candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of psychology of development and psychophysiology. She explained in details what a gender is and told about peculiarities of behavior of boys and girls. In conclusion she made psychodiagnostic tests.
"The innovative directions in the organization of leisure activity of children: EBRU technique" was the most unusual master class. It was devoted to technology of drawing on water. Galina Akhmetova showed the possibilities of equipment, ways of carrying out and analysis. Participants were delighted to become a painter on water.