On 23th of December IEML together with Russian non-governmental organization “Grazhdanskoye obshestvo” and IEML student scientific society carried out the fifth international scientific-practical conference “Kazan scientific readings for students and post-graduate students – 2015 named after V. G. Timiryasov”.
Aims and purposes of this conference are to form the new knowledge, to exchange scientific and practical experience of students and post-graduate students in economical, state-legal, social and other fields with the assistance and stimulation of research activities. Especially valuable is the fact that “Kazan scientific readings named after V. G. Timiryasov” provide a unique opportunity for young scientists to try themselves as scientific researchers, to get a feedback from experienced scientists and to fulfill their organizing abilities.
This year more than 800 applications were submitted – this is an unprecedented level of prestige and importance of the event. Not only students from Kazan, Tatarstan and Russia came to contribute to scientific readings, but also from Kazakhstan. As the results of sections’ work the participants will get the diplomas and a collection of the best works will be published. The authors of the most outstanding reports will be noted with certificates of appreciation and valuable prizes from organizing committee.