According to the monitoring results of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, KIU is recognized as the effective university.
The assessment was carried out in 2019 among 1264 institutions of higher education in Russia on such indicators as educational, research, international, financial and economic activity, infrastructure, staff.
KIU has become the only private university in Tatarstan, all of whose indicators exceed threshold values. In almost all university indicators, an increase in values relative in comparison with last year is observed. According to the monitoring of effectiveness, KIU indicators exceed the average values among public and private universities in Tatarstan in the following indicators: average USE (Unified State Exam) score of students; total volume of research and development work; number of foreign leading professors, teachers and researchers; number of students who were trained abroad; number of professors and teachers with a degree of candidate and doctor of sciences.
Monitoring Results: