“Real time” is about the main university achievements in 2018.
2019 will be an anniversary year for Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov. The university will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the foundation by the first rector Vitaliy Gaynullovich Timiryasov. The university stepped up to this event with huge achievements and launched a row of projects.
WorldSkills victories. KIU student Karina Khaleyeva presented Russia at EuroSkills 2018 in Budapest and took the 1st place in a competence “Entrepreneurship”.
Construction of KIU new sport complex and student hostel was started in 2018 in the center of Kazan. The four-storeyed sport complex will consist of a sport hall, innovative labs and the student dormitory. It is scheduled that the sport complex can be used in next academic year.
KIU is the best university in the tourism industry. The university is recognized as the best higher education institution for staff training in the field of tourism at the Republican competition “Tourism Leader”. The competition is annually held by the State Tourism Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The university teachers became winners on the competition “50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”. At this moment it’s the most significant and respectful science-innovative competition in the Republic.
Significant victories of KIU students. The president of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov appointed a special state scholarship to six students and postgraduate students of the university. A student and a postgraduate student of KIU were awarded with scholarships of the Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin for their innovative science-research projects. A student, Yulia Petrova, became the best speaker on the parliament debates in Russia at the Jedi Moscow State University tournament. Students-psychologists won the Grand Prix at the All-Russian Olympiad in Psychology.
Sport victories. KIU team took the 1st place for the second year at the Student Football League of the Republic of Tatarstan. KIU team became a winner at the Student Handball League of the Republic of Tatarstan. KIU students took the 1st place at the European Championship among students on the table tennis in all categories.
The books of the publishing house of KIU “Poznanie” are winners of the “University Book-2018”. Educational and scientific editions from different regions of Russia took part in the competition. A magazine “Actual problems of economics and law” of KIU (age category 17+) was recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for inclusion in the list of peer-reviewed scientific editions.
Grand Prix at the main creative festival of the Republic of Tatarstan. University students won the highest award at the festival “Student Spring of the Republic of Tatarstan – 2018” in the nomination “The general program of the university” for the best creative program among other large universities. Students of KIU college won the Grand Prix at the “Spring Drop – 2018”. It’s the republican festival among students of the secondary vocational education of the Republic of Tatarstan.
According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, KIU college is one of the best in Russia. Monitoring evaluates the average score of students’ certificates, results of participation in the WorldSkills Championship, professional competitions, graduates’ employment, infrastructure of institutions, as well as dozens of other criteria that characterize the quality of education.
KIU college student is recognized as the best student in the Republic of Tatarstan. Damir Nurgaliyev won the Grand Prix at the republican competition “Achievement of the year” among colleges and technical schools of the Republic of Tatarstan.