June 12, our country celebrates a national holiday - Day of Russia. On June 12, 1990, at the First Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, a Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted.
June 12 was a holiday date from June 11, 1992, by decree of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation as “Day of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation.
This holiday is one of the "youngest" in the country. This year, our students were inspired by the idea of a holiday and staged a flash mob with flags.
All foreign students participated in a patriotic action. Students took photos with flags, lifted them up in the air, had fun and depicted figures in the shape of a heart and abbreviations of the university.
Everyone was inspired and imbued with the idea of love for the homeland, we are grateful to our students for the initiative and maintaining the festive spirit!